Industrial Air Bench Contamination Removal and Filtration
Rockspoon Industries customises DownDraft and BackDraft Air Bench Filtration Solutions
Why Choose Rockspoon Industries?
Do you need a different approach for Air Bench Extraction challenges? Rockspoon’s Consultative, Comprehensive, Connected approach helps ensure you get the ideal solution for your organisation at a cost-effective ROI.
Industries We Serve
Air Benches– Customised DownDraft and BackDraft Extraction for removal of Laser Contamination and Industrial Restoration
Laser Cleaning Restoration
Rockspoon Industries ® Air Benches are used for Laser Cleaning and Extraction, applications in Restoration and Metalworking industry. Non-combustible materials
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Interested in Air Bench and Extraction Machines?

As a small dynamic, nimble company we help solve customers’ challenges, and offer new technologies with custom methods to adapt to your Applications.
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Australian Designed and Supplied Air Extraction Benchs
Tuesday-Friday: 10:00-18:00
Workshop Demonstrations by Appointment
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Phone: – Please use the inquiry form and request a call back sooner rather than an email.